More than 90% of people with an addiction started to drink or use drugs before they were 18 years old

Picture a line of ten teenagers, full of potential and promise.
Now consider the disheartening reality: More than 90% of people with an addiction began to drink alcohol or use drugs before they were 18 years old. This means that in our imaginary line-up, nine of these young individuals are on a path that could lead to the darkness of addiction.
This statistic underscores the crucial need for comprehensive, age-appropriate education about the dangers and consequences of substance abuse. Adolescence, a time of growth and self-discovery, should be safeguarded with knowledge and understanding rather than marred by the shadows of addiction.
Our commitment should be to empower our young generation with the right information, arming them with the ability to make informed decisions for a healthier and safer future.
Source: Addiction Center